PC version of Borderlands 2 VR is finally getting Released

 Borderlands 2 VR PC version of is finally getting Released


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2K Games and Gearbox Software today published that a Borderlands experience that has been exclusive to the PlayStation 4 since late 2018 is finally breaching the PC space. This, of course, is Borderlands 2 VR, and the standalone title is coming to PC this fall.

Except for the trailer, no further information, like any PC specific enhancements or supported headsets, about this release has been announced yet. On the content side, the original PlayStation version shipped with the entire Borderlands 2 base campaign and all of its gun-filled craziness to experience in VR.

However, cooperative play is entirely missing from this release, with it coming as a single-player experience instead. To help players with defeating the many enemies in Pandora while playing in virtual reality, this version also introduced BAMF (BadAss Mega Fun) Time, Gearbox’s version of bullet-time.

Borderlands 2

PlayStation VR players weren’t forgotten by Gearbox today either, as the company also announced the BAMF free DLC pack for the platform, which will bundle and deliver all of the original games’ expansions and DLC onto the VR version on September 6. The upcoming PC version will ship with this DLC pack from launch.

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An exact release date for the PC version of Borderlands 2 VR wasn’t announced today except for a fall window to look forward to. It is a possibility that this could be another Epic Games Store timed exclusive just like Borderlands 3. We will have to wait and see if the upcoming sequel will also make the leap to virtual reality at some point after launch, maybe with multiplayer support this time.

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