Google might be fetching Valve’s Steam to Chrome OS


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As indicated by a report from David Ruddock of Android Police, Google is attempting to bring official Steam backing to Chrome OS, something that would make Valve’s PC game market the first of its sort on Google’s foundation. Ruddock addressed Kan Liu, Director of Product Management for Chrome OS, where Liu affirmed the up and coming component.

Liu didn’t affirm that Google is really working with Valve on this, yet he talked about the obvious issue at hand, which is that Chrome OS equipment truly isn’t intended for gaming. A great many people most likely accepted that the response for gaming on Chrome OS would be spilling with something like Google Stadia, as that doesn’t require nearby assets.

There are some Chromebooks that can deal with light gaming, for example, HP’s Chromebook x360 14, which has appropriate Intel Core processors. Liu says that all the more dominant Chromebooks are headed, explicitly those with AMD chips. Lamentably, he wouldn’t affirm anything with Nvidia’s designs.

At this moment, you would already be able to run Steam on a Chromebook utilizing the Linux application layer; notwithstanding, it doesn’t do well overall. This would carry official help to the stage from Google, and apparently, that would be better.

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