Block Fortress Empires Detailed Review An Action Game
This Minecraft-inspired Android action game is set in the Blockverse, where you can explore, fight, and survive. It is easily one of the best mobile games in 2019. The game features character creation, camp building, and a lot more. Block Fortress: Empires combines the visual elements and survival elements of Minecraft in a free-to-play Android game. As far as the best Android games go, Block Fortress is a title worth your attention.
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Block Fortress: Empire is Foursaken Media’s latest installment in the Block Fortress series. This is one of those games that have almost too much to fit in a single SNAPP Review. In a nutshell, Block Fortress is a block building game mixed with tower defense. BF: E is everything that made the first two games great, turned up to 11. The main objective is to keep other players away from your home. So, you’ll spend a lot of time setting turrets and laying traps. You can even decorate your home with over 200 different blocks and a ton of decorations. Once you get tired of building, you can go out on raids and try to infiltrate other player’s bases. There’s also crafting, upgrades, tons of weapons, and a whole lot more. Block Fortress: Empire is the definitive version of the series. Although the game may not be for everyone, if you’re a fan of strategic games or liked either of the first two games, you’ll love Block Fortress: Empire.
Block Fortress Empires, Block Fortress Empires, Block Fortress Empires, Block Fortress Empires
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