Alexis Lorenze

OMG! Alexis Lorenze’s Vaccine Nightmare Goes Viral on TikTok – You Won’t Believe What Happened!

I was scrolling through TikTok the other day, and came across this girl, Alexis Lorenze, who’s been posting about her crazy experience after getting vaccinated. She’s 23 and from Florida, but right now, she’s at the UCI Medical Center in California. Alexis has this condition called Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH), which sounds scary – it messes with your blood cells and can even lead to death.

Here’s where it gets wild: before starting a blood transfusion, the doctors told her she needed vaccines for tetanus, meningitis, and pneumonia. But what they didn’t tell her was that they were gonna give them all to her at once! Like, all of them, right there. And then, within minutes, things started to go wrong.

Alexis says she immediately noticed blue-black spots popping up on her face and neck. In her first video, you can tell she’s totally out of it and struggling to talk. People went nuts in the comments, telling her she should sue the hospital. The video hit over a million views in no time.

But then, things got even worse. Her forehead and eyelids started swelling up, and she couldn’t open her eyes or breathe properly. Turns out, she grew up in an anti-vax family, so her body was not handling these vaccines well at all.

Her sister and fiancé were with her through this nightmare, trying to keep the hospital accountable. Her dad even flew in from another state to be by her side.

Now, Alexis posts pretty often on her TikTok (@lexxvuitton), even though she’s still really sick. The spots on her face have spread all over her upper body, and she’s getting weaker by the day. It’s tough to watch, honestly.

Trying to Cope at Home

In another video, Alexis talked about how her family, being Christian, doesn’t believe in meds. They try to handle everything naturally, and before she got to the hospital, she was dealing with terrible headaches and couldn’t eat. She even had a bone marrow biopsy back in January, so she wasn’t too excited about being in a hospital again.

Eventually, Alexis decided she’s done with UCI. She wants to transfer to a hospital in Florida where her family doctor is. She even spoke to a lawyer named Dan from Newland. She’s planning to sue the hospital for not only the bad treatment but also the future costs she’ll have to deal with.

One of the worst parts? She said the nurses didn’t help her at all. Like, when she asked to go to the bathroom, they just gave her a bucket. A bucket, guys! She’s convinced they’re just pumping her with meds to get rid of her, just like what happened to her grandma 10 years ago.

Sharing Updates

Recently, Alexis posted some new pics showing how her head’s been swelling up with blood. Her dad, Todd, has been keeping everyone updated on her condition through Facebook. The TikTok and Facebook communities have really come together for her. They even started a donation page to raise $700k for her treatment.

Her dad also said they’re moving her to a private hospital in Los Angeles, and the lawsuit against the California hospital is gonna start soon.

OMG! Alexis Lorenze’s Vaccine Nightmare Goes Viral on TikTok – You Won’t Believe What Happened!
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